A big hello from Rihamu Junior School

Hello everyone here!
Rihamu Junior School would like to share with you some of the wonderful pictures of the animals in the Queen Elizabeth National Park and the Rwenzori Mountain with its snow – Come to think of snow in the tropics here the Equator – What a sharp contract of nature!!
By Shakilah Huda
Head Teacher – Rihamu Junior School

Installing a wildlife camera at Liss

Warm greetings to all our friends in  Kafuro, other Ugandan schools and our colleagues in the UK. This week, two of our pupils have been working with Geof, a volunteer helper at the school, to construct and install a wildlife camera in our nature area.

It took Jake and Oscar about 90 minutes to build the camera from a kit under Geof’s supervision.  After they finished, they installed the camera low on a tree in the nature area. The camera has a heat sensor which reacts to the proximity of animals (or indeed humans) and takes photos. As you can see from one of the photos below, we have an active badger sett in our nature area and the camera caught a glimpse of a badger walking through the long grass. Many thanks to Geof for all the time and effort guiding the boys and helping out the school.

In other news, we now have a colony of bees again, and we didn’t have to go and pick up a swarm. Yesterday, Mr Stanley noticed bees flying in and out of our Number 1 hive, and when he checked again this morning the numbers had greatly increased. It seems as if  a swarm of bees were looking for a home and found our hive. Happy Days!

We will keep you informed as to how the bees are settling in during the next couple of weeks.

School Grounds Day 2018

Greetings to all of our friends in Kafuro and also at other UK and Ugandan schools. This afternoon was School Grounds Day at Liss Junior School where the whole school works on various projects. This included:

Putting up lard balls to feed birds.

Planting flowers in the pots around the front and side of the school to make it look beautiful

Refurbishing our minibeast hotel

Cleaning and refurbishing our butterfly houses

Clearing raised beds and planting them with vegetables

Harvesting our rhubarb crop

Clearing litter around the school and gathering wood

Preparing our bottle greenhouse for the new pots with seeds in them

Clearing the main pathway up to our nature area

Clearing the pond in the nature area and cutting back willow.

We were given lots of help by parents who gave up their afternoon to support the children. we were also helped by Joe Williams, a ranger from QECP, who came in on his day off to help the children clean the pond and cut back the willow. Joe is an outstanding example of community engagement by a ranger.

We were all really happy with our new tidy school and we can’t wait for our new crops to grow.