Amazing work with the African Keyhole Garden at Rihamu

Rihamu Junior School always take on any new challenge wholeheartedly and creating an African Keyhole garden as part of the Connecting Classrooms work we began last year has taken their commitment to a whole new level.

The first thing Madame Shakilah mentioned was how the pupils found the project so interesting. The children were very excited to do the farming and the garden is looking beautiful already! They decided to plant only vegetables! The teachers and the children grouped and named these vegetables according to their species. And these include:-
Cabbage kingdom
Tomato camp
Egg plant yard
Green pepper zone and
Onion ridges..
It was a beautiful moment for the children to plant these vegetables and are they are promising to take care, always water them in the morning and evening.

Laying bricks
Planting vegetables

Since then, growth has been steady and Madame Shakilah sent the following photos of the different zones.

A quick tour of the vegetable zones

We look forward to seeing how the zones develop over the coming weeks.

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