Cooking Ugandan – style meals

Today Liss children in Yr 6 created their own Ugandan-style meals in groups. The children used a range of ingredients that they had tasted the previous week, but also used water melon, pineapple and rice. The children worked very hard to create balanced meals and the photos can be seen below.

And now a question for our Ugandan friends. Evie, in Rowan Class, wants to know how long it takes to grow a water melon from seed to full size? Can anybody help her?

Ugandan – style food tasting

At Liss, as we approach the end of our Uganda topic, we set the children a design technology task – to plan and make a Ugandan – style meal. Before the children can do this, they have to taste Ugandan food. Mr Stanley was very busy in the Liss kitchen making the following:

Roast IRISH potatoes

Roast Sweet potatoes



Banana chips



The children tasted the food and had to complete an evaluation. The next step will be to plan and create their own Ugandan meals. We will report to you on their progress!