School Grounds Day at Liss 2019

On Friday, Liss Junior School held their annual School Grounds Day. This started at lunchtime with parents being invited into the school to have lunch with the children. Then, the afternoon was devoted to cleaning up the school grounds and improving the school environment. Among the tasks carried out by the children were the following:

Ash Class – Front flower bed were replanted. Tyres behind amphitheatre were filled with compost and planted.

Oak Class – Collected leaf liter  and  repositioned logs to line track.

Willow Class – Refurbished our bug hotel

Beech Class – picked up litter from around the  school grounds

Birch Class – Wood collection for the cob oven. Made bird feeders and get plant pots ready for the summer.

Pine Class – Cleared out and replanted raised beds with vegetables

Rowan Class – Bottle greenhouse pots were prepared for replanting. Mr Stanley is preparing to grow tomatoes but admits that they can never be as good as Kafuro tomatoes. The wormery was topped upwith food waste and compost distributed.

We were also joined by rangers from Queen Elizabeth Country Park who helped us to clean our pond and cut back some of our willow.

Many hands make light work and by the end of the afternoon the school grounds looked much better. We would like to ask Ugandan schools how they keep their school grounds tidy (we have already heard from Kafuro in the past, it would be nice to hear from some other schools).